Good day pleasant readers! First of all I am very sorry that I didn't post this on Tuesday, which was Father's birthday. We all went to the circus. None of us had ever been to a circus before, so it was most exciting.
The circus was held inside of one of the buildings used for the State Fair in Grand Island. It was a very fitting place.
Libby asked me to take a picture of her cotton candy. She said it felt right, somehow, to be having cotton candy at the circus. I quite agreed with her.
Here, the animal trainer riding in.
First, came the pony act. One would never guess that ponies could do that!
Then we had juggling. This is the foot juggler. He juggled a great many things.
Even fire!
Here is the other jugglers.
After the juggling came a dog act. The dogs were very cute.
Following the dog act came a high in the air act. That was most captivating.
Then, another act, by name "Tahar and the Jaws of Death", an alligator act. I didn't like that one quite as much.
The motorcycle act was amazing. If you look closely at our blurry photos you can see the motorcycles in the air.
During this particular stunt, Libby screamed.
Then, the same people who did the juggling did well, this.
Libby said that the Elephant act was most likely her favorite. Perhaps you can see why.
Just in case you were going to ask, indeed this elephant is balancing on this ball. Libby proclaimed that that was the most amazing thing she had ever seen an elephant do.
The very last thing thrill we experienced at the circus was the human canon ball. This is the only picture I managed to take.
The circus wasn't exactly how I expected but as Libby says, "Barely anything turns out exactly how we expect, but it's usually ten times better."
P.S. I am very, very, sorry for our amazingly blurry photos.
It sounds like you had an amazing time!!!