Hi all! Libby here. Day before yesterday, we drove down to Aurora.
"Hey, Sammy! Hey Kris!" I shouted as soon as I came in the door. "Good day, Kristen. Lovely to see you again, Samantha." said my more ladylike sister.
After a good sleep, we woke to this AMAZ breakfast.
While Marie played duets with Kristen..........
.....Sammy and I played with their immense collection of dolls, giving them goofy names like Big Bad Girl and Jamie the Gentleman and Jamie the Gentleman new and improved. It was fun.

We took a walk after that but all to soon it was time to say goodbye.
Then we moved on to the State Fair. We went immediately to see my poster (I can't stand suspense), and I was giddy for a while once I learned it had got a purple. To see what in the world I am talking about, click HERE.
In the big 4H building, I took a souvenir photo of myself on their thing and sent it to myself. We took one of Marie-Grace too but for some reason it didn't send it to us.
After finding my poster, we went to this show. Those people are really talented. That must be a fun job.
In the petting zoo, I found out a few things I had not known before. One being that a zebra's mane is really soft. It looks really bristly, doesn't it?
After that, we saw the McClellan Singing Sisters doing a concert. This was a great surprise because we know them! If you want to learn more about them, you can visit their website at http://www.mccsingingsisters.com/ |
On the way to the Elefun show, Daddy and Marie-Grace decided to ride on this.
I was freaked out and kept my feet on good firm ground and Mommy bought me a lemonade instead. Thank you Mom!
The Elephant Show was incredible ! "These are better than the ones at the zoo!" I cried ecstatically, snapping pictures (see HERE ). By the way, the elephant's names are Sidney and Jenny, the girl who is riding them is named Bettina (I'm not sure I spelled that right), and the man giving them the cues is named Bill.
"Look at those chicks who were just born!" cried Marie-Grace delightedly. "I prefer them like this." I said, starring at the tiny fluff balls. I think it is so cool that those pigs were just born that morning!
So anyway, on this great outing we got inspired, de-stressed, sunburned and happy. Good couple of days.
Have you ever been to the State Fair?
What fun outings have you been on lately?